Monday, August 10, 2009

Been a While Crocidile

So it seems to have been awhile-- as a matter of fact it has been a while since anything As a matter of fact the last time I posted was just before prom my freshman year and now I'm going to be a freshman in college. But Firestorm has been around lately, she has been visiting and my beautiful locale but she mostly came to visit her mom.
Things that have happened to me in the last few months

Gotten engaged
Become an Aunt
Be asked to be in Firestorms wedding (the reaffirmation of their vows in a catholic church)
Realize that my car needs to be Fixed again.
Realize that college is WAY expensive ($700 some for books for ONE semester!)

Hm I can't seem to think of much more to post at the moment. Oh but I suppose I should eventfully post a link to my twitter-- if anyone would even care. Maybe I will convince Firestorm to get a twitter.