Friday, November 27, 2009

...feeling like the outsider and some news.

So yesterday was thanksgiving and while my family traveled to my grandmas on wensday I was stuck in class. That being said that set me up to have thanksgiving dinner with the dear fiances family. Well I've learned somthing, I am very tired of being the nice person. What do I mean by that, well the FI's oldest brother is also engaged, to a complete witch. I know some things that she has lied to my future in-laws about but I have kept my mouth shut. And yet I have tried several time to engage her in wedding chat-chat or to even just say hello, but she just wants nothing to do with me, and that really made me upset yesterday so I just sat silently around the future family and just let her make a fool of herself- she didnt need my help with that.

But anyways it seems like the FI has decided that he wants to join the army and I am very supportive of that, my dad is AF, my older brother a Marine, I am very used to being supportive of the millitary and very used to the lifestyle it entails. I'M just a little freaked out because we have yet to go in and talk to the recruiters and get the ball rolling... and I am very much one of those people that likes to have a plan layed out, and at this point i dont even have the information to build a plan around except that we would like to be married before he leaves for basic, so my brain is in freak out mood. Just wish I had someone here with me to talk to but my only company is 2 cats and a bird. It will be ok, and I know it will work out- I could have our wedding planned in a month if I needed to but for now I just need to support him.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I am really irritated and frustrated at the moment. My fiance it seems has been putting forth minimal effort in his classes and very well might be placed and academic probation. I tried talking some sense into him on Friday saying that if he doesn't get it together we are going to have to delay the wedding. I know I am well on track to graduate on time but at this rate it doesn't look like he is. I love him dearly, but I just don't want to get married while either of us is still in school, and now I'm stuck. One of his classmates is telling me that if he doesn't get his head out of his ass i might be better off to move on, not what I want to do, but we all know you can't change a guy unless they want to change and even than it isn't guaranteed to do anything for your relationship.