Friday, March 05, 2010

Everything has been going so fast....

Only a few months ago C was deciding to join the Army.. and now we are getting married tomorrow and than in a few weeks he will be leaving for basic. I know I will miss him...but I am going to do my best to stay busy so that maybe I won't miss him as much-- or notice how much time has gone by/ is left. Everyone keeps asking me if I am nervous about tomorrow, but I'm not- I know I want to marry him and I am very excited to do so. I really can't wait for us to start our life in July when we get to our first base together. There is a lot to do before than, get things for the house, move the furniture his parents are offering us. Lots to do. Seems like that is always how it is. At least after tomorrow I will have a few days to relax. So that is pretty much all for now...