Monday, September 13, 2010


I am sitting here drinking mint green tea... its yummy. I went and got Cody his birthday gift, since his birthday is next week, I got him Star Craft II (THE COLLECTORS EDITION!) he wasn't expecting me to get him anything but I seen it and I had to get it for him because both of his brothers have had their collectors editions since it came out, I was so surprised that there was still one just sitting at the store.. I was like O.0 but yea he was really happy that that was his gift. Anyways I thought my in-laws were going to come visit the end of this week but there was a ripple in those plans and I don't know when they will be coming, if at all before Thanksgiving. My dad got a job with Union Pacific, so he starts next month and than he is off to live like a bachelor... lol. My mom and younger brother will be coming for Thanksgiving for sure, but I don't even know if Cody will be home again. I should be working on my speech right now but I just cant stop thinking enough to focus on it. Than I also I have two papers due this week and one next week. Got like a million things going on and cant seem to finish one. ok so I am going to go work on those papers than.....