Monday, September 13, 2010


I am sitting here drinking mint green tea... its yummy. I went and got Cody his birthday gift, since his birthday is next week, I got him Star Craft II (THE COLLECTORS EDITION!) he wasn't expecting me to get him anything but I seen it and I had to get it for him because both of his brothers have had their collectors editions since it came out, I was so surprised that there was still one just sitting at the store.. I was like O.0 but yea he was really happy that that was his gift. Anyways I thought my in-laws were going to come visit the end of this week but there was a ripple in those plans and I don't know when they will be coming, if at all before Thanksgiving. My dad got a job with Union Pacific, so he starts next month and than he is off to live like a bachelor... lol. My mom and younger brother will be coming for Thanksgiving for sure, but I don't even know if Cody will be home again. I should be working on my speech right now but I just cant stop thinking enough to focus on it. Than I also I have two papers due this week and one next week. Got like a million things going on and cant seem to finish one. ok so I am going to go work on those papers than.....

Monday, August 23, 2010


Everything is slowly being put away, and I may even have a chance at a job at the school! How awesome would that be, not having extra commute time for work. So I kinda always knew that I wasn't a solitary person but living alone really proves it. We made mashed potatoes in class today, I have learned I do not like ricers (piece of equipment much like a large garlic press.) I am enjoying living alone but i feel like working at the school would help, I can make connections and it is something to do every day besides think about going swimming and than not. (or the same with the laundry LOL) I like that I can have the leisure to be a little lazy and not get grumped at for it but I really wish Cody were home to help me with all the mundane chores, dishes and picking up, and unpacking. There are so many boxes here and about half of them are empty (I think) but they are all just sitting here... oh and I need to take the trash and recycling down too... Wow see living on your own sure makes for a lot to do on your own.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I am slowly adjusting to the silence around me that comes from living alone. I miss having another person around me and it was really hard to talk to Cody earlier just to turn around and get off the phone again. I miss him so much and it is really hard to move alone and to adjust to being 100% alone for the majority of my week. I am really enjoying classes at Le Courdon Bleu though, and my apartment is nice. Though I am still looking for a room-mate. For the most part all we have done is get our equipment and learn knife cuts, but there is so much more to it than what you are seeing, knife cuts are just the tip of the iceberg, from here we go on to making the basic sauces and stocks and learning what they should taste like and than on to so much more. Cody doesn't have a clue when he is coming home but hopefully it wont be too long seeing him for little more than a month the entire 5 months we have been married has sucked, he has been gone long enough and I think it is time for him to come home. Hard part of being close to the military in this way I guess.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hell Week

So the term "hell week" comes from the Marines, it is used to describe the hardest week of boot camp where they will take everything they have learned and put it to use to the extreme. Well this week seems to be my hell week, I had to travel to Minneapolis and find a place to live, than come back home, pack, get my oil changed and go back to Minneapolis with all of mine and Cody's things... And that is supposed to all be done in 6 days. I could really use some help. Anyone? Nope I didn't think so. Still no clue when Cody will be home but he is getting a medical discharge, everything with the military is a mess... I miss him so much its been almost 3 months since he was home on con leave. It is so irritating that I have to do all of this on my own. Yea my parents and brother are helping some but they are so busy with their own stuff that my stuff is secondary, and than my grandparents are heading back home from Denver and their trailer broke down, in (they thought) Hot springs, so my dad goes "ok thats an hour away and I can go help for an hour..." he called back.... no its in Nebraska more than an hour away! Ugh. He was the majority of my "moving power." So now I am waiting for it to cool off before I go work on loading the truck... really could use some help but that is not going to happen

Friday, March 05, 2010

Everything has been going so fast....

Only a few months ago C was deciding to join the Army.. and now we are getting married tomorrow and than in a few weeks he will be leaving for basic. I know I will miss him...but I am going to do my best to stay busy so that maybe I won't miss him as much-- or notice how much time has gone by/ is left. Everyone keeps asking me if I am nervous about tomorrow, but I'm not- I know I want to marry him and I am very excited to do so. I really can't wait for us to start our life in July when we get to our first base together. There is a lot to do before than, get things for the house, move the furniture his parents are offering us. Lots to do. Seems like that is always how it is. At least after tomorrow I will have a few days to relax. So that is pretty much all for now...

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Personal Hell

So I am feeling a bit ragged--- like I have seriously created my own personal hell... than again maybe I did. Anyways right now it is looking like I am going to be married by the end of January and a army wife right about the same time. I don't mind much of this as you know some of it is my idea its just that I was planning a wedding almost 2 years out and now I have 6 weeks. I'm thinking of down-sizing the wedding party but at the same point I would like it if the majority of the guest showed up. Than again if that's what I want I need to get the invites out soon, oh and I need to go get my dress altered, and who knows how long that will take. As i said personal hell as I have 3 weeks left of this semester.

Its cold here, snow falling outside, I desperately want to move south. And when I/We do move I'm going to have to do most of it myself as well as get the house set up and get myself back into school since I really want to finish my degree. I can't wait for the semester to be over I need a few days to just sleep, I am seriously just happy my stomach isn't acting up.

Friday, November 27, 2009

...feeling like the outsider and some news.

So yesterday was thanksgiving and while my family traveled to my grandmas on wensday I was stuck in class. That being said that set me up to have thanksgiving dinner with the dear fiances family. Well I've learned somthing, I am very tired of being the nice person. What do I mean by that, well the FI's oldest brother is also engaged, to a complete witch. I know some things that she has lied to my future in-laws about but I have kept my mouth shut. And yet I have tried several time to engage her in wedding chat-chat or to even just say hello, but she just wants nothing to do with me, and that really made me upset yesterday so I just sat silently around the future family and just let her make a fool of herself- she didnt need my help with that.

But anyways it seems like the FI has decided that he wants to join the army and I am very supportive of that, my dad is AF, my older brother a Marine, I am very used to being supportive of the millitary and very used to the lifestyle it entails. I'M just a little freaked out because we have yet to go in and talk to the recruiters and get the ball rolling... and I am very much one of those people that likes to have a plan layed out, and at this point i dont even have the information to build a plan around except that we would like to be married before he leaves for basic, so my brain is in freak out mood. Just wish I had someone here with me to talk to but my only company is 2 cats and a bird. It will be ok, and I know it will work out- I could have our wedding planned in a month if I needed to but for now I just need to support him.